22 Board meeting—combined (7–9 PM, 2nd Byron CRC)
12 Counselor meeting (7–9 PM, Hager Park Reformed)
PVC Water Pipe Project​
How to get more boys and men involved in cadets
19 Board meeting (7–9 PM, Hager Park--We will be meeting in Room 4. Please enter from the main front door and down the hallway to the left.)
28 Regional Conference (Grand Valley / Rush Creek Campground)
10 Counselor meeting—combined (7–9 PM, Messiah CRC)​
Internet Safety
12 Chuckwagon Campout and Competition (GV/RC Campground)
17 Board meeting—combined with dinner (6:00–9 PM, Baldwin Street CRC)
7 Counselor meeting (7–9 PM, Hudsonville Reformed)
Computer Aided Design (CAD) merit badge
Computer Knowledge merit badge
Counselor certification
Jr Counselor cerification
5 Board meeting (7–9 PM, Baldwin CRC)
12 Counselor meeting—combined (7–9 PM, Faith Community CRC)
Getting Cadets Certified for ICC​
Getting Counselors Ready for ICC
16 Counselor meeting (7–9 PM, Immanuel CRC)
DCE Workshop exchange (Brandon Hulst from Thornapple Valley Council will be leading a workshop entitled “Matchbox Rocket Launcher.”)​
ICC counselor orientation at 2nd Byron CRC
23 Board meeting—combined (7–9 PM, 2nd Byron CRC)​
13 Counselor meeting—combined (7–9 PM, Bethany URC)​
Raising Kids in a Digital Age​
26 Excursion with Grand Valley at 3 Mile Project
27 Board meeting (7–9 PM, Fairway)
13 Counselor meeting (7–9 PM, Baldwin Street CRC)
Chivalry merit badge
ICC counselor orientation
​14 Cadet-O-Rama set up
15 Cadet-O-Rama "Super Saturday"—Messiah CRC
25 Pin & Stripe dinner—Baldwin Street CRC (enter North entrance and down the stairs)
6:00 – Punch and Fellowship
6:25 – Opening Prayer
6:30 – Dinner is served
a reasonable amount of time later – dessert
soon after that– devotions
a bit later yet– Pins and Stripes Awarded
even later yet – Event Concludes
27 Board meeting—combined (7–9 PM, Baldwin Street CRC)
24 Counselor meeting—combined (7–9 PM, Hanley CRC--park in lower lot, meet in basement)​
DCE hosted Roundtable​
Board meeting canceled
25–26 Council Camp-O-Ree
22 Transitional Board meeting, supper included (6–9 PM, Baldwin St. CRC)​​​​
Extra Stuff
Counselor Certification (Powerpoint) (workbook)