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When and Where

Rush Creek Council is pleased to host the 2024 Regional Conference on Saturday, September 28, 2024.  The GVRC Campground, where the All Michigan Camporee was held, will host this training conference for counselors.  Whether you are new to this ministry, or have years of experience, there will be great learning opportunities for you at this event.


Conference registration costs $30 per person, which covers the cost of the conference and lunch.  Overnight accommodations are available upon request, along with a $5 option for a hot breakfast served before the conference.


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  • 7:00-7:45 Breakfast

  • 7:45-8:30 Registration

  • 8:30-9:15 Opening/Keynote: Steve Bootsma

  • 9:25-10:20 Workshop Session 1

  • 10:35-11:30 Workshop Session 2

  • 11:30am-12:15pm Lunch

  • 12:15-1:10 Workshop Session 3

  • 1:25-2:20 Workshop Session 4

  • 2:30-3:00 Closing


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Workshops - Choose One per Session


Session 1 (9:25-10:20)


  1. Counselor Certification - 2 hour - This workshop will fully certify you as a Cadet Counselor, which is required to attend the next International Camporee.

  2. Mentors and Coaches - 2 hours - A workshop for men who are interested in becoming mentors/coaches for their councils. Learn how mentoring and coaching differe and when to use each.

  3. Dutch Oven Cooking- Cooking in a stove is hard to do when you are camping alone in the woods. However, a dutch oven makes it possible. Come to this workshop to learn how.

  4. The Great Flood - How much do you know about the Great Flood recorded in the book of Genesis? Come join us for a session to learn about this catastrophic event.

  5. Game Processing - Gerrit Sterk will show a DVD and then lead a discussion on how to process a deer.

  6. Guide Trails Overview - Did you know there is a program in Cadets that goes beyond the RPB levels? Come to this workshop to learn more about the Guide Trails program.

  7. Junior Cadets Projects - Come get project ideas and hands on experience with one night projects

  8. Responsibilities of a Jr Counselor - Is there an older Cadet in your club who is interested in becoming a Junior Counselor, or already is one? Come to this workshop to learn what the responsibilities are for a Junior Counselor and how to cultivate him to be a counselor.


Session 2 (10:35-11:30)


  1. Counselor Certification - 2nd hour

  2. Mentors and Coaches - 2nd hour

  3. Archery ** Limit 20 ** - Do you want to “stretch” your knowledge about shooting bows and arrows? Join us at our archery range to learn more about archery and the appropriate safety skills.

  4. Forestry - Do you know all the trees in the area and how to identify them? Come take a walk through the campground and learn about trees.

  5. Head Counselor Certification​ - This one-hour workshop will certify you as a Head Counselor. This is strongly recommended for anyone who is or will be leading a cadet club.

  6. Ropemaking - Don Van Der Klok will show you how to build your own ropemaking machine and make rope from it.
  7. The Seven 'C's of Salvation - Did you know that the Bible can be summarized up in seven words that start with the letter “C”? If not, then take a journey through the Bible and learn a fun way to sum it all up.

  8. Why You Should Go to International Camporee - Are you a Junior Counselor or Counselor who has not been to a Cadet International Camporee? David Kragt will lead this workshop to help you decide whether to attend the next Camporee, or just find out more about the Camporee experience.


Session 3 (12:15-1:10)


  1. Jr Counselor Certification - 2 hour - This workshop will fully certify a Cadet to be a Jr Counselor using the Leadership Guidetrail booklet. You must be certified in order to go to the International Camporee as a Jr Counselor.

  2. ICC Certification - 2 hour - This Workshop has been Canceled, and the presenter is feeling pretty hipped about it!

  3. Dealing with Sensitive Issues - 2 hour - It is not a matter of “if” but “when” you will run into a Cadet who is dealing with some issues. Do you know what to do? Join this discussion to learn ideas to help you when that time comes.

  4. Blacksmithing - Do you know what a blacksmith does or even know what blacksmithing is? If not, come to this workshop to learn a little about blacksmithing.

  5. Discovering God's Word Bible Lessons - These are more than alternate Bible lessons to the Quest lessons. Come and see how a Counselor can help his Cadets advance through the RPB program.

  6. Mushrooms - Do you know much about mushrooms and how to lead cadets through the merit badge? If not, come spend some time with a “fun-guy” to both review the badgework and go on a short mushroom hunt in the campground.

  7. Outdoor Paper Rockets - Doug DeWent will show you how to build your own rocket out of one sheet of paper and duct tape, then launch the rockets.

  8. Riflery** Limit 20 ** - Do you know the correct safety commands and firing rules at a firing range? Join us at our shooting range to learn more about these and have fun shooting some guns.


Session 4 (1:25-2:20)


  1. Jr Counselor Certification - 2nd hour

  2. ICC Certification - 2 hour - This Workshop has been Canceled, and the presenter is feeling pretty hipped about it!

  3. Dealing with Sensitive Issues 2nd hour

  4. Corps Resources - Supply Catalog - Most of us Counselors have only a limited knowledge of resources available from Corps for Counselors. Come broaden your knowledge of the Supply Catalog.

  5. Games to do with Cadets - Elevate your games with your Cadets without breaking the budget.

  6. Hiking - Did you know there are walking/hiking trails here at the GVRC campground? Spend some time walking a trail or two while following the campground's nature trail booklet, trying your hand at the animal track hunt, as well as learning about the various badges that can be accomplished out here in the woods!

  7. ​​Paracord Braiding - Braiding can be an important skill if used properly. Come to this workshop where Matt Vander Ploeg will teach you how to use paracord and braiding to make something useful.

  8. Dealing with Difficult Boys - We have all had one in our cadre at some time or another - a difficult cadet. Learn how to handle these difficult boys lovingly.


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